Entry-Descent-Landing (EDL) analyzer

This page copes with various aspect of Entry-Descent-Landing (EDL) maneuvres from various missions.

  • EDL retriever - retrieves position and attitude (if available) data of EDL for specified mission (derived from webgeocalc text interface)
    Note: not for all missions attitude data (from FK kernels) are available, hence second request will not provide any data; attitude data currently available only for MSL

    KML files for Google Earth showing various EDL trajectories; each file covers 10 minutes period, up to landing:
  • Mer-1 (Opportunity) - Landed 2004-01-04T04:26:00 (normalized) (raw input data for webgeocalc)
  • Mer-2 (Spirit) - Landed 2004-01-25T04:55:00 (normalized) (raw input data for webgeocalc)
  • Insight - Landed 2018-05-05T19:52:59 (normalized) (raw input data for webgeocalc)
  • MSL (Curiosity) - Landed 2012-08-06T05:31:00 (normalized) (raw input data for webgeocalc)
  • MARS202 (Perseverance) - Landed 2021-02-18THH:MM:SS (normalized) (raw input data for webgeocalc)
  • 3d .dae model of descent module; put it into /files folder where you save KML files. You can change the file contents at wish, but don't change the name.
  • MER1+2, + Insight + MSL together

    Each file contains:
    Folder with one point per each descent module positions: click on each point to get the camera moved there;
    Folder with one 3d model per each position. To be implemented: change model shape at each phase (parachute deploy, heatshield jettison,...)
    Folder with 3d line representing the trajectory.
    On loading a file, you will see a "time control bar" on the upper part of the screen: beare of specifying only a VERY SHORT interval to show the 3d models along the trajectory, else Google Earth will lock/crash due to excessive processing power needed.

    Normalized data: landing site centered on Lat,Lon = 0,0, for comparison.

    Files and page contents subject to change/update/deletion without notice.

    GUI interface
    text interface